
Cyclical Business Planning

Cyclical Business Planning is a one-hour masterclass focused on building a business workflow that matches your energy and needs as they shift over time. If you're a caregiver, a person with chronic illness, or someone who owns a neurodivergent brain: You know that the current system of working 9-5 with days that look exactly the same doesn't work for us.

In this masterclass, you'll learn how to create a cyclical, patterned workflow that can flex as needed. Jenni is joined by Caitlin, a cyclical planning expert who focuses on hormone cycles, fertility and menstruation. Together, they share how to approach this style of business planning. Each participant will receive an exclusive worksheet to help you start your planning process.

When you register for this free workshop, make sure you enable marketing emails. We won't send you spam, but you need to enable emails or you won't get an email with the content!